Sunday, May 5, 2013

So What's My Story? The Hint

The Hint

The girl and the boy were engaged. And because they were both practicing in their faith, they took the advice of their priest and participated in pre-marital counseling. They took it a step further and went to a weekend retreat for engaged couples. They had the blessing of both families. The girl's family thought the boy was a dream come true. He was kind, took care of the girl, and had a good heart.

The boy and the girl didn't live together before marriage. One day, the girl went over to the boy's house and noticed a calendar above his desk that had women in bikinis on it. The girl was surprised and offended. She asked the boy to get rid of the calendar because it was disrespectful to her. He agreed and took it down. She was relieved, but something in the back of her mind held onto that moment. Why was this something that he thought was OK? And what was the point of looking at half-naked women at his desk? She decided to just let it go because he got rid of the calendar. When she went over the next day, he had a new more appropriate calendar hanging. Problem solved.

A week later, the girl went back over to the boy's house. The boy didn't remember that she was coming over. She walked in and saw the calendar with women in bikinis hanging above the desk again. She was livid. NOT because of the calendar (although she probably should have been more livid about that), but because he lied. He told her he got rid of the calendar, and he did not. Why did he go through so much effort and a lie to keep a silly calendar? She gave him the silent treatment. She wanted to yell and scream, but she was afraid of her own anger. By the end of the day, she decided to speak up. "I'm upset because you lied. If you lie about the little things, you could also lie about the big things." She said. He apologized profusely, and he promised to finally take the calendar down. She felt content with the end of the conversation.

What she didn't know was that by the time they were engaged, he had already lied about the big things. He was already an addict.

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