Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pain Behind The Eyes

Literally. For the past two weeks, I have had an almost constant headache. Not bad enough to keep me home from work, but bad enough to make it hard to stay positive. I drastically increased my water intake, made some diet changes, exercise changes, sleep changes, and all the other 'go-to' things I do for headaches. So far, no luck. Maybe it's stress. Maybe it's something else. I don't know. I have a family history of pretty crazy headache-related stuff. I hope I'm not joining the family lineage.

I can sense that Husband thinks I'm faking it. But I just don't care what he thinks.

I've been avoiding looking at a computer screen whenever possible. It's unavoidable at work, but it's meant that reading or writing in blog-land just hasn't happened lately.

That's it. That's all I have to say. I'll just call this the most boring post ever.


  1. ugh. I hate it when I have physical manifestations of the trauma. I was nauseous for like 3 months straight after last D-day. And then every time he hit me with a new disclosure or trauma, it came back! Bleh! I wanted to puke on HIM. I'm sorry!

  2. Indeed! I'm sure it's related to the fact that the anniversary of D-Day just passed. I think it's getting better, though. At least I hope so!
