Friday, December 6, 2024

Contact Wounds

 My sister reached out to me this morning to tell me that her very good friend just discovered that her husband is likely a sex addict. She asked me if it is possible to experience second-hand trauma by walking through trauma with others, first me and now her good friend. She is struggling today to keep up hope that there are good men in this world. I fucking hate how vast the effects can be of one person's addiction and choices, infecting an entire family. No one deserves this. Certainly I did not deserve what I experienced, and I will likely spend the rest of my life healing. But the anger I feel at the ripple effects of my ex's actions. It burns so deep. Hurting me is one thing. But hurting me so much that my sister, by simply supporting me over the past decade, now struggles with PTSD symptoms as well? It sends waves of deep rage through my bones. 


  1. Hey, I fell upon this blog tonight after just finishing a book.... Can I recommend "re-regulated" for both you and your sister?

    I was married to a sex addict for 13 years, divorced now for 12 and I am still hearing echoes from the trauma. This book I feel finally provides kind solutions (with some lovely 12 step influences) to help those of us struggling to finally have relief.

    My heart aches for you and your sister - so much. Life is hard, and this added "hard" seems so unfair. My love goes out to you and your sister - I pray (to whatever we believe hears us) that you guys find healing. We all "deserve" it. and i keep hoping it is possible.

    1. Re-regulated by Anna Runkle (read by the author if you like audible)
