Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Things In Common

Our problems are so very different. Some days, it seems as though we couldn't possibly agree on anything. Husband and I counted the number of times we had the same opinion on things one day as we were unpacking, and we were 1 for 23. We agreed once. Disagreed 23 times.

Yesterday, Husband and I were sitting outside reflecting on our first month living back in the same house, starting new jobs, and helping our child through transitions.

"I feel important for the first time in my life," said Husband.

I think with that one sentence I understood Husband more than I ever have before.

We agree on this...We both want to feel important and worthy of love. I've tried to fill that void with achievement and validation from others. Husband has tried to fill that void with meaningless sex.

We both have a hard time recognizing our worth as children of God. But we're trying to figure it out, and I think that maybe we could figure this thing out better as a team.


  1. Thank you thank you thank you! I like to think that my husband and I are starting to see things like this too.

  2. It's good to know that we at least have one way in which we understand each other, when we seem to be off in most other areas.
