Sunday, August 18, 2013

God Bless the Freaks

"God Bless The Freaks"

...said a bumper sticker I saw on my morning run.

This might be my new favorite phrase. I've been called a freak in my life before, and it wasn't used  as a term of endearment. And although it can be used as a terribly hurtful word, freak isn't always used as a derogatory term.

The definition I like the best is: "An eccentric or nonconformist person, especially a member of a counterculture".

And that definition, that's me. And that's many wives and partners of sex addicts. After years of heartache and sometimes even physical manifestations of our mental anguish, we realize that porn, a sexualized culture, and casual sex are not OK. But this idea is counter to what our culture tells us. Our culture tells us that we should lighten up, just be more easy going, join our husbands in viewing porn, or be more sexually attractive. That should solve our problems.

Our boundaries, our loving detachment, our separations/divorces, and our abstinence are noncomformist and countercultural. But our refusal to accept a sex-obsessed culture has saved many of our lives, helped bring us out of depression, and led us to a greater relationship with God and ourselves. For some of us, it has even led us to a greater joy than we've ever experienced before.

My name is Eleanor, and I am proud to be a freak.


  1. This is amazing! You put this to words so brilliantly. I've been thinking about the sex-culture lately and how hard it is sometimes to own my beliefs in a culture that is so accepting of exactly what I'm fighting against. Thanks. This was a small reminder that I'm not alone in fighting the sex-culture.

    I am proud to be a freak :)
